Sunday 26 January 2014

27/1/2014 our product!

Our product by KFC is BBCQ! He is our greatest invention so far,  that will change colour for you, and is 独一无二 , only ONE in this world, and furthermore , it is 70% off! He can help you to relieve stress, do whatever you want him to do, and he can even be your best friend! Today is the last day, so what are you waiting for? Come to the nearby stores and get him now! With him, you will never be Bo-Bored again!! 

What I Learnt

What I Learnt:)

    In the past three weeks, we had three CID lessons which taught us different stuff and all of us had to do blog work. I was elated to find that it is group work and we would have fun blogging all our feelings and reflections about the lessons. 
    On the first lesson, we were being broken up into different groups randomly and I am glad that my group mates are nice to work with. In this CID module, we would be "trained" as critical thinkers and be prepared to go on our OELP trip:)!!! As critical thinkers, we are supposed to reflect and draw lessons from different experiences. At the OELP trip, we will get to put learning into practice. 
    On the second lesson "A picture paints a thousand words", we have to understand how to gather meaning and thoughts from what we see. We must aim to  understand the importance of looking beyond just what is on the surface during reflection. Everybody makes an impression of someone in just 7 seconds thus impressions are important. But what lies underneath are the most important so we should not judge others and predict their personality. This was explained by a picture that showed 2 beggars begging for money. One of the guy beggar is called Gilbert. He looked just as healthy as anyone here and it seemed that he was just using sympathy to win compassions from others so he could get on with life. Another beggar was a woman called Deliah. She was holding a baby closely to her and begging a man for money. Immediately, I felt pitiful for her as I thought she had to handle financial problems and take care of her baby at the same time. I was sure that I would definitely donate some money to Deliah for her to live better. However, I was shocked and surprised when I found that it was actually a plot twist! Gilbert was an orphan and he worked hard to make a living for himself. He collected recyclable materials and sold them to earn money. Unfortunately, his pushcart was stolen and he just need some help from others to get back on. Furthermore, his lost one of his arm. As for Deliah, she was part of a syndicate and she had to act miserable to gain sympathy which eventually will cause others to donate money them. At the moment, I realised that it is indeed inaccurate to judge others' with their appearance which often only tells a small part of the story. It is only when we learn more about the person that we know the person's true self.
    After this lesson, we were being exposed to truth about the environment and lives of the foreign workers in Singapore. I bet everyone would have think that foreign workers lead a comfortable and "luxurious" life in Singapore and also earning an amount of money which was enough for them to get a better living in their countries. However in the video, I saw that the foreigners lived at a place that was ridiculous for someone to bear with. There were smelly water outside the "house", 10 or 20 people were being squeezed inside a small place with no certain bed, kitchen, rooms and bathrooms. Even the roof were not fixed and rain could drip through it and flood part of the house. This made me feel guilty as I always thought they were leading good life. Recently, there is a riot in India. Everybody was complaining that they are breaking peace in our country. But no one would have imagined how much sufferings had they beared with which eventually caused them to start a riot. 
    We were introduced to the elements of thought. It showed us the process of thinking we should be doing as critical thinkers. The examples of the foreign workers and beggars definitely made me learn that we should not judge others easily but instead pay more attention to small details of them. 
    On the third lesson, we had to observe the school and take pictures which shows "School Spirit", "Fear", "Happiness" and "Life". This made me realise that actually in our school, there are a lot of examples that shows the themes. All we had to do is to look around, imagine and use the elements of thought to aid us in better thinking. Then we had a group representative to present our work and ideas and we also got to enjoy others' ideas and photos.

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is coming! The festival that is my favourite amongst the others. We can collect hongbaos which is my favourite part and also eat all the delicious food prepared by my relatives! Furthermore, I can meet my relatives which I can only see once in a while! I am definitely going to use this time to enjoy as much as I can:)

Red represents luck, fortune and happiness!

I bless my relatives and wish them all the best for the new year!


The only time everyone can bond and live happily ever after!:)

Teo Lian Wei Vesy (20)

What I learnt

The past three CID lessons had been really interesting for me as I have learnt things that I have never learnt before. The CID course is to cultivate critical thinkers who would be able to  reflect and draw lessons from different experiences. The main activity, which is also the most exciting part of CID, is that there will be a class OELP trip to China or Taiwan in May where we will put learning into practice. When our teacher asked the class where we wanted to go between china and Taiwan, majority of the class chose Taiwan. However, there were only two classes who would have the chance to go to Taiwan n these two classes would be decided on how well we write our blogs. When we come back from our OELP trip, we will have to share our experience with the school during a learning symposium. We were told to create a blog in our groups where we are required to post our thoughts about the lesson where we hope to cultivate a habit of 'journaling'. I have never done a blog like this with my group members and I think it is very fun!
In the second lesson, which is the lesson I have personally learnt the most so far in this module,the topic was' A picture paints a thousand words '. We were shown many pictures including a picture showing a starving child with a vulture, different beggars and a video about Singapore's foreign workers. The picture of the vulture and the child was really iconic as it depicts many things.i was really shocked to know that the photographer actually committed suicide as he could not take the guilt of not saving the child in the picture. The video was really an eye opener for me as I never thought that the living conditions of foreign workers in Singapore was so bad. Many people had to squeeze in one small room and the facilities they had were all really dirty and unhygienic. I felt bad for them as they helped build Singapore's beautiful buildings and houses. I really hope that their dormitories would improve in future. My view towards foreign workers in Singapore has slightly changed and I realised how much a video can change us. I learnt that even though a picture can tell us many things, we should not judge it by its cover as we never know what is the background of it.
In the third lesson, we learnt the basics to capturing moments and photos and how to make our posts more interesting and meaningful. I learnt that observing is not just looking but entails deeper analysis and reflections. I also learnt about factual description, process description and emotional description. I found out more about the basics to photography including the rules of thirds and the use of lines.

Chinese New Year:
Before we know it, Chinese New Year is already round the corner! I feel really excited as Chinese New Year has always been one of my favourite festivals of the year. During Chinese New Year, I not only get to receive ang paus, eat good food and also get to visit my relatives whom I do not see very often! 

According to legend, in ancient China, Nian ("Nyan"), a man-eating beast from the mountains, could infiltrate houses silently to prey on humans. The people later learned that Nian was sensitive to loud noises and the color red, so they scared it away with explosions, fireworks and the liberal use of the color red. So "Guo Nian" actually means "Surviving the Nian". These customs led to the first New Year celebrations. At Chinese New Year celebrations people wear red clothes, decorate with poems on red paper, and give children money in red envelopes. Red symbolizes fire, which according to legend can drive away bad luck.

The paper-cuts are often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival. They are also given as presents or gifts to good friends or other family members. In Chinese traditional culture, paper-cuts can reflect many aspects of life such as prosperity, health, or harvest. '福' is very often seen in people's homes as decoration and they are also believed to bring good luck when put upside down.

During the Chinese new year period, new year decorations are practically found everywhere in Singapore. One of the most visited places for Chinese New Year shopping in Singapore is none other than Chinatown. At this Time of the year, the place is filled with new year decorations which are changed every year. Almost every household has put up as least one piece of decoration. These are must haves for the Chinese New Year.

Gwen Su (18)

What I learnt

During these few weeks of CID 2 lessons, I have leant a lot of things. We was told that we will be going overseas to either Taiwan or China. The whole class was excited about the trip, we were split into groups and started on our work. We were not grouped with those that we work well with, but were group randomly. This was to make sure that we will have the chance to work with other people that we were not close to.  We were expected to be critical thinkers and were required to create a blog and each week, we will need to post there. It was my first time writing a blog and I found it quite fun and interesting. I am also able to read things my friends post about and hence knowing them better.
    The second lesson is on 'A picture paints a thousand word'. We were shown a picture of a vulture waiting for a helpless girl to die. We were told to use nor word to describe it and our group chose 'patience'. We thought that the vulture was patient to wait for the girl to die.  We found out more about the photographer who took this picture and decided to change the word to 'inhumanity'. We were also shown two picture of beggar.  One of them show a man that look poor, and he was holding a board saying that he was homeless. Another was a woman carrying a baby asking for money around. I would choose to help the man as he look more helpless without good clothing. On the other hand, the woman was suspicious, she and the baby was both wearing good clothes and look clean. This make me wonder why she has enough money for clothes and home but was still begging around for money. But when I found out the background of the beggars. I felt sorry for the man as he grew up in an orphanage and he lost an arm. However, he still depend on himself and collect used good to resell them to earn money. Unfortunately, his things were stolen and was unable to work. I would not help the woman as I do not want to donate money to the syndicate. This make me feel that I chose to donate to the man was a right decision. From this exercise, I learnt to not to judge a book by its cover. Teacher also showed us a video on poverty in singapore and I felt that the construction worker in the video is very sad and I appreciate and respect them as without them, we would not have houses to live in.
           On the third lesson we learnt how to make blog post interesting and meaningful. We was told to use four words to describe RVHS. I chose stress, fun, boring and CMD. RVHS is fun as I can see people laughing and chatting happily around the school, during their free time. I chose stress and boring as we have test almost every week and lessons was boring at times. I chose CMD as one of the four words as I think CMD is closely related to our school life in RVHS. Most of us would have at least one CMD record throughout the years in RVHS. We were told to take pictures that represent fear, happiness, school spirit and school life around the school. Just in these few weeks, I learnt a lot and I hope to learn more during the OELP trip. 


colour that describe my feelings towards Chinese New Year 

I chose yellow as it is a colour of luck and is the colour of gold. 💲💲💲

The symbol I chose is
I chose a bored face as Chinese New Year was the same year after year and I don't celebrate it as most of my relatives are in China. 

The image I chose for Chinese New Year is 
It is because the Chinese New Year spirit is very strong in Chinatown.

~Winnie Chang (3) 2E

What I learnt

       What I learnt 
        During these few weeks, I have learnt a lot of things. On the first lesson, our teacher told us that we would be going on an overseas trip to either Taiwan or china. Our whole class was very excited because we would be able to gain many different experiences. We were expected to be critical thinkers who would be able to reflect and draw lessons from different experiences and put learning into practice. We were then grouped and started on our work for CID. We were required to create a blog and each week we need to post our thoughts about the lesson or do a reflection which we can cultivate a habit of "journaling". I am really jubilant because I get to blog and post pictures about our daily life. We were supposed to post about what we did during the holidays. I knew my teammates more after reading their posts. 
        Their second lesson was about : A picture paints a thousand words . We need to understand how to gather meaning and thoughts from what we see and the importance looking beyond just what is on the surface during reflection. The first activity was about beggars and we were shown two pictures of the beggars and to choose who to help. The male beggar was holding a board saying that he was homeless and his things were stolen. In the other picture, a woman was carrying her baby asking others for help but nobody bothered. I felt that the male beggar should not beg for money as he was still young and able bodied therefore he should try to work. He should depend on himself and get a job and not to give up easily. Whereas I feel that the woman was really pitiful as I couldn't imagine she carrying her baby  asking others for help yet nobody cared and helped her. I chose to help her. However, I was wondering why was the baby wearing good clothes? This made me ponder. Did the woman get the money from all the begging just to buy good clothes for the baby? I was getting confused. Later, I read about the accounts from the two beggars. I realized that Gilbert, who is the male beggar, actually had a very sad story behind him. He grew up in the orphanage, with no parents and had to be independent and survive on its own. Furthermore, he had lost an arm. Despite these obstacles, he still depended on himself and started collecting used goods and reselling them to earn money. Unfortunately, his pushcart was stolen and could not work anymore. Why not lend a helping hand to him and give him the support that he wanted? I am sure if we could donate some money and help him, he would definitely work harder and continue to strive in his life. Therefore I chose to help him.   I would not help Deliah, who is the woman, as I do not want to donate money to the syndicate although she is genuinely poor. One important lesson I learnt from this exercise was not to judge a book by its cover. We should never judge others without knowing the real truth or their actual personality. Sometimes, people are always too quick to judge. Judging will cause misunderstandings and conflicts. This is definitely an important lesson to me. This is about poverty in other countries. How about poverty in Singapore? Our teacher let us watch a video regarding the bad living conditions of the foreign workers. They do not even have a nice and clean bed, they have a very small and limited kitchen, dirty bedrooms which are full of pests , unhygienic toilet. When the pipe is clogged, nobody bothers. When the sink is leaking, again, nobody even bothers. They are living in such poor conditions while building a luxurious and comfortable condo for us Singaporeans to live in. I feel extremely grateful for them because without them , there will be nobody who construct houses for us. We should learn to be appreciative and start to cherish every single one around us. Also, I learnt about Paul's Wheel- the elements of thought which can be helpful when reflecting on things critically. The elements of thought are Points Of View, Purpose of the thinking, Question at Issue, information, Interpretation and Inference, Concepts, Assumptions, Implications and Consequences. We should definitely practise the Elements of Thought when reflecting on things critically.
       The third lesson, we learnt on how to make blog posts interestingly and meaningful, and how to capture moments and photos. The first activity was to use 4 words to describe environment in our school. ( RVHS). I chose the word 'fun' because I often see pupils having fun, laughing , beaming with happiness. I also chose 'stressful' and 'boring' because there were tests almost everyday and almost everyone was looking gloomy and carrying heavy bags to school. I also chose 'spirit' because I saw one year one girl asking a senior for directions in the school and the senior patiently brought the girl to that place she was asking for. I was really touched when I saw it. This definitely shows RV spirit! 立化情! Secondly, I also learn the basics to photography and composition is how we frame the objects of interest in photos. In order to describe pictures, we use factual, process and emotional description. Factual description is about using 5 senses to describe the picture, process description is about explaining what caught our eye and which stood out emphatically. Emotional description is about how the picture conveys a certain emotion and perhaps allow viewers to reflect on issues which could be overlooked everyday. To me, I learnt the most from lesson 2 and I hope to learn more in my OELP trip! 
Chinese New Year
Colour that describe my feelings towards Chinese New Year is Red
 because Red, corresponding with fire, symbolizes good fortune and joy. Red is found everywhere during Chinese New Year and other holidays and family gatherings. A red envelope is a monetary gift which is given in Chinese society during holiday or special occasions. The red color of the packet symbolizes good luck. Red is strictly forbidden at funerals as it is a traditionally symbolic color of happiness. Therefore I chose red as I feel very happy during Chinese New Year. 
Symbol : 
because I feel very delighted during Chinese New Year as I can eat lots of delicious food like crackers, love letters, chocolates, sweets, desserts and get red packets from my beloved family members.
Image :
Mandarin oranges in the Chinese culture symbolize luck, good fortune and positive energy for the new year. The fruit is used as a symbol of the sun, that is supposed to represent the fresh start of a new year. The golden color of the mandarin orange represents the wealth and luck that is hoped for in the new year.
-Yeo Yu Zhen(23) 2E 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Poverty in Singapore

What exactly is “poverty” in Singapore?

In Singapore, it is highly unlikely that we will find beggars lining the streets or see starving children walking the pavements, scrounging for food. The poor and needy in our society struggle with “relative poverty”.

Due to various factors like health issues and family circumstances, they struggle to survive on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, they are caught in a vicious poverty cycle, with little or no means to make a better life for themselves. Their children are often not able to do better than their parents due to lack of access to knowledge and educational support. For example, the child would quit school to work and supplement the family’s income, simply trying to put food on the table.

Is it possible to break this cycle?

While the factors impacting the poor’s plight are complex and often involve systemic issues like housing and employment, and it may take many generations to overcome, some concrete things can be done. One way is to focus on our younger generation. Programmes like money-management workshops allow children to grasp the concept of money and how to use it wisely. Upgrading of work skills also allow adults to gain a more competitive edge in the job market, while better coping with economic challenges.

It is critical that the young remain in the education system, and that they receive the best support they can to gain the knowledge and skills for a better future. 

We need to care more for the needy and understand the circumstances they are facing. We should learn to cherish the stuffs we have and donate whatever useful items to the needy instead of throwing them away. I hope that the society will not discriminate them as we are all equals living in Singapore.

Some videos you may want to watch video evidence for poverty in singapore unknown side of singapore 

Here are some more pictures of poverty in Singapore 

What is school life in RVHS ?

[a] What is the environment like? Look out for facial and expressions of people, behaviour and actions, noise level, way people group together 
During morning assembly, everyone is gathered together in the school field for flag-raising. All of us look serious. Sometimes there may be unnecessary talking while most of the time there is silence, especially during pledge-taking and flag raising. All students are standing orderly according to their class register numbers in their class queues. Some students do not look happy.they look like😪and😐

[b]  Talk to at least one person. Find out from his or her feelings for the day. Observe his or her expression and body language. 
 The person feels very happy and excited for the day. She has a smile on her face and uses many hand gestures while talking, looking very cheerful perhaps excited for the day. 
[c] Look at the surrounding. Are there special features such as signboards, layout of furniture, notices , posters? What is so special about them? 
There are notices on noticeboard,informing us of the current affairs in school and around the world . For example the Little India Riot in Singapore. I find them special because some of the news I have not read about it and I can learn new things by reading them
[d] From the surrounding, what is it that impresses you most? Why? 
The notices on the noticeboard outside library impresses me the most because i find the person taking charge of updates very impressive
[e] From what you have found out, what do you think school life is in Rv is like for Rvians?
I think school life in RV is definitely a precious experience for all of us. We learn new things and make new friends. Rv also organises many trips and camps for us to grow and mature thus becoming more independent, improving ourselves. RV is like a second home to us :)
Photo Challenge
[a] School Spirit
This picture shows some RVians running around and playing ball. Why does this picture shows School Spirit ? It is because they are very united. Passing the ball to one another to win a goal :) We should all learn from them and be more united as one ^^ This definitely shows what school spirit is supposed to be. This displays harmony which is a must for everyone to communicate and interact well with one another especially during group work or presentation.

[b] Happiness 
This picture shows RVians eating at the canteen happily. Well, I guess the only time to relax and keep your stomachs full is during recess! I guess by looking at all the different canteen stalls selling delicious types of food just delight us 
[c] Fear 
This picture features the Year Ones gathering around the noticeboard, checking if they have been shortlisted for the CCAs they want to join. This shows fear because they are worried and anxious that they may not get into the cca of their choice.
[d] School Life 
This picture shows Rvians carrying their bags to school, walking towards the hall. I think this is school life in River Valley High School 

A Vultry Post


    Ever since I laid eyes on the horrid picture, my perception of the world has changed irrevocably. The picture's dull colours enticed me as I gazed upon the ghastly image of a young african child lying on the ground. In the background perched a conspicuous, ravenous vulture who awaits his next meal. Its harrowing eyes are afixed on the child's vulnerable body. The child seems enervated, unable to move. By now, my jaw is agape, stunned by the horrendous sight. The word Inhumanity instantly popped into my head. Instead of helping the poor child, what was this photographer thinking when he took this picture?

    The picture too shows the difference between the poor and the rich. The child must have not eaten for the past week and lived on tiny morsels of food The vulture could be a symbol of death, awaiting the child's demise. The photographer should have aided the child. Under what unethical circumstances should the photographer take a photo instead of helping the dying child? Was the photographer delusioned by this seemingly "priceless" shot that his human ethics were burried underneath it all? It seems this act of indifference showed inhumanity at a greater level.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Who are we?

From left to right, Yu Zhen (23), Gwen (18), Vesy (20) , Nigel (29), Winnie (3)

My Holidays

During the end of year holidays, I went to Taiwan. I was really excited as I had heard from others that Taiwan is a good place to shop and dine in. When I reached Taiwan, I went to Raohe Night Market. It was packed with people and filled with the aroma of the delicious night snacks. I ate some of the delicious foods like oyster omelette, smelly tofu and this "SUPER TALL" ice cream. I enjoyed it a lot as I LOVED ice cream. I didnt get to take the photos as I was already busy eatingXD 

The Ice Cream<3

I also went to a museum that shows the olden houses in the days.
It looked extremely pretty:) I hope I can also experience living in the houses.

Thirdly, I went to a Swiss Garden. The air was very fresh and the flowers were very beautiful:)
It is so cuteXD

There is a Hot Spring Hotel that I went. There were a lot of hot springs like public ones, sauna and even the nude spring. It was definitely soothing and relaxing as it helps us to relax our muscles. Certain springs also have lots of health benefits!

These are some of the places I went that I find the most enjoyable in the whole trip! Hope you can visit Taiwan soon too!

(On the day when I was going to Taiwan, I saw 1 Taiwan celebrity and 1 Singapore celebrity!!! I felt so lucky as it was my first timeXD)

-Teo Lian Wei Vesy(20)

My holidays

During my holidays, I went to Taiwan.
The weather was cooling and there were a lot of delicious food there.

The bamboo rice.

The smelly tofu.


We also went to visit the Queens head. It was an amazing rock that form its shape due to erosion, however the Queens head might be breaking off soon if erosion continue to happen. When we visited it, the weather became very cold and has strong wind as it is located near the sea. We waited for a long time before we can take photo with the Queens head as there are a lot of tourist. Beside the Queens head, there were also a lot of different kind of rock that are unique and are only found in Taiwan. 

We also went to Shilin night market, we ate a lot of food there such as fried chicken and bubble tea. 
It was very crowded, so we spent most of the time queuing for popular food. There were also shop that sell clothes and toys there, it was so big that we did not have enough time to shop everywhere. 

It was a fun trip to Taiwan, I am looking forward to the OELP trip and I hope that our class will be able to go to Taiwan.  ~Winnie 


This was how I spent my first December holiday after I entered RV. It was not too bad and I actually had a lot of fun! For the whole of November, I had to go back to school every week for two to three days for choir practice, to prepare for our year end concert, CANTARE, with guest choirs from Dunman High. All of the practices were full day practices. It was the first time I had to return to school so many times during the holidays and it was really tiring for me. However, all the hard work seemed to really pay off when we were having our concert. It was really a great experience for me and I hope to do it again!

Other than that, I went on an overseas holiday trip to Gold Coast with my family! We were there for about a week and the whole trip was really exciting as I have never been to Australia before. We went to quite a few tourist attractions including theme parks and national parks and I am going to share some of the more memorable moments.
The first place I visited when I reached Australia was Byron Bay in New South Wales. 
The beach and lighthouse there was so beautiful and I couldn't help but take some pictures of it. There were many shops and restaurants there too. I realised that a lot of people in Australia like to surf, even children!

Another place I visited was Movie World! It is a well-known theme park in Gold Coast and I had so much fun there. I went on many thrilling rides and met many movie characters including Batman, the Scoobi Doo and many more. 

One of the shows I watched there was 'Hollywood Stunt Drivers'. It was so amazing watching the drivers perform stunts on their cars which seemed to be done so effortlessly. The whole set was filled with the smell of burnt rubber tyres and their screeching sound. My cousin even got the chance to take a ride on the car while the driver pulls off some stunts beside her!

As I was about to get ready to leave the theme park with my family, the sky suddenly turned really dark and something I would never even dream of, happened. There was a hail storm! It was the first time I saw so many pieces of ice fall from the sky and it was actually pretty dangerous. I could even feel slight pain when I was gently hit by the ice cubes.
 It was so cold!! Look at all the ice on the grass! XO
Well, these were some of the highlights of my holidays. Hope you enjoyed reading it and I really look forward to our OELP trip! :)

-Gwen Su (18)

My Holidays!

    I love the holidays, but unfortunately it does not last forever, school has started. During the holidays, I did not do much. Not like anyone did something worth talking about anyway. (laughs meekly at own joke) I do envy people who have interesting holidays. Everyday for me was like a normal school day, without School. Homework, YouTube, Anime, Sleep. Meetups, Gatherings, Endeavors, Computer, Vacation. I look forward to OELP, one less week of school.

    Speaking of Vacation, i went abroad to Hong Kong in December; shopping and enjoying the cold air there. On the fourth day, we were supposed to visit Ocean Park, unfortunately at 4 am i felt discomfort in my stomach. Ten minutes later i vomited, followed by 5 hours of suffering.

    I was down with food poisoning.

    That day, we did not go to Ocean Park. The past three days in Hong Kong had downcast weather while on the fourth day had clear skies. I was disappointed. If i had not caught the bug, everything would have been okay.

A derp Picture In DisneyLand before i died of poisoning like Snow White

My Holidays ^-^

Hey guys so in this post, I will be talking about my holidays. Basically, my holidays were pretty boring because I was either watching Korean dramas and variety shows or listening to music.(I fell in love with a kpop female group - f(x) ) I was very excited when I heard that i was going overseas :D So i went to Batam and Tanjung Pinang in Indonesia for 2 weeks :))) I love Indonesia mainly because of its food hehehe. One of my favourite drink is Chendol ! It is super delicious and I love it ^^ Below is a picture of Chendol if you have not seen it. If you have the chance, try it:)
It looks so yummy :-)) ahaha 
ok this is what we usually see in Singapore 
We went to lots of places, including resort. 
YAY I love the resort because it was fun and beautiful haha . It was nice to experience the sea and i had lots of fun with my relatives and family ^^ 
So I stayed in Tanjung Pinang for 5 days and stayed in Batam for 9 days. On my birthday (26 December-boxing day!! ), I went to the arcade with my cousins and we played and ate good food ( kidding hehe ) We ate many kinds of seafood such as crabs ( I love them ) , prawns , some shell type of seafood , fish and so on. I seldom eat them in Singapore though :-( 
Oh ya, talking about the resort, we sort of had a relative swimming competition hahaha and it was fun seeing the adults swim? I don't even know :-P  
Yum..Chilli Crab ^^ 
Indonesian Satay :DD 
Alright, this is basically the end of my blog post about my holidays. Now it is a brand new year, let's look forward to the next holidays and our OELP trip! 