Sunday 26 January 2014

What I learnt

       What I learnt 
        During these few weeks, I have learnt a lot of things. On the first lesson, our teacher told us that we would be going on an overseas trip to either Taiwan or china. Our whole class was very excited because we would be able to gain many different experiences. We were expected to be critical thinkers who would be able to reflect and draw lessons from different experiences and put learning into practice. We were then grouped and started on our work for CID. We were required to create a blog and each week we need to post our thoughts about the lesson or do a reflection which we can cultivate a habit of "journaling". I am really jubilant because I get to blog and post pictures about our daily life. We were supposed to post about what we did during the holidays. I knew my teammates more after reading their posts. 
        Their second lesson was about : A picture paints a thousand words . We need to understand how to gather meaning and thoughts from what we see and the importance looking beyond just what is on the surface during reflection. The first activity was about beggars and we were shown two pictures of the beggars and to choose who to help. The male beggar was holding a board saying that he was homeless and his things were stolen. In the other picture, a woman was carrying her baby asking others for help but nobody bothered. I felt that the male beggar should not beg for money as he was still young and able bodied therefore he should try to work. He should depend on himself and get a job and not to give up easily. Whereas I feel that the woman was really pitiful as I couldn't imagine she carrying her baby  asking others for help yet nobody cared and helped her. I chose to help her. However, I was wondering why was the baby wearing good clothes? This made me ponder. Did the woman get the money from all the begging just to buy good clothes for the baby? I was getting confused. Later, I read about the accounts from the two beggars. I realized that Gilbert, who is the male beggar, actually had a very sad story behind him. He grew up in the orphanage, with no parents and had to be independent and survive on its own. Furthermore, he had lost an arm. Despite these obstacles, he still depended on himself and started collecting used goods and reselling them to earn money. Unfortunately, his pushcart was stolen and could not work anymore. Why not lend a helping hand to him and give him the support that he wanted? I am sure if we could donate some money and help him, he would definitely work harder and continue to strive in his life. Therefore I chose to help him.   I would not help Deliah, who is the woman, as I do not want to donate money to the syndicate although she is genuinely poor. One important lesson I learnt from this exercise was not to judge a book by its cover. We should never judge others without knowing the real truth or their actual personality. Sometimes, people are always too quick to judge. Judging will cause misunderstandings and conflicts. This is definitely an important lesson to me. This is about poverty in other countries. How about poverty in Singapore? Our teacher let us watch a video regarding the bad living conditions of the foreign workers. They do not even have a nice and clean bed, they have a very small and limited kitchen, dirty bedrooms which are full of pests , unhygienic toilet. When the pipe is clogged, nobody bothers. When the sink is leaking, again, nobody even bothers. They are living in such poor conditions while building a luxurious and comfortable condo for us Singaporeans to live in. I feel extremely grateful for them because without them , there will be nobody who construct houses for us. We should learn to be appreciative and start to cherish every single one around us. Also, I learnt about Paul's Wheel- the elements of thought which can be helpful when reflecting on things critically. The elements of thought are Points Of View, Purpose of the thinking, Question at Issue, information, Interpretation and Inference, Concepts, Assumptions, Implications and Consequences. We should definitely practise the Elements of Thought when reflecting on things critically.
       The third lesson, we learnt on how to make blog posts interestingly and meaningful, and how to capture moments and photos. The first activity was to use 4 words to describe environment in our school. ( RVHS). I chose the word 'fun' because I often see pupils having fun, laughing , beaming with happiness. I also chose 'stressful' and 'boring' because there were tests almost everyday and almost everyone was looking gloomy and carrying heavy bags to school. I also chose 'spirit' because I saw one year one girl asking a senior for directions in the school and the senior patiently brought the girl to that place she was asking for. I was really touched when I saw it. This definitely shows RV spirit! 立化情! Secondly, I also learn the basics to photography and composition is how we frame the objects of interest in photos. In order to describe pictures, we use factual, process and emotional description. Factual description is about using 5 senses to describe the picture, process description is about explaining what caught our eye and which stood out emphatically. Emotional description is about how the picture conveys a certain emotion and perhaps allow viewers to reflect on issues which could be overlooked everyday. To me, I learnt the most from lesson 2 and I hope to learn more in my OELP trip! 
Chinese New Year
Colour that describe my feelings towards Chinese New Year is Red
 because Red, corresponding with fire, symbolizes good fortune and joy. Red is found everywhere during Chinese New Year and other holidays and family gatherings. A red envelope is a monetary gift which is given in Chinese society during holiday or special occasions. The red color of the packet symbolizes good luck. Red is strictly forbidden at funerals as it is a traditionally symbolic color of happiness. Therefore I chose red as I feel very happy during Chinese New Year. 
Symbol : 
because I feel very delighted during Chinese New Year as I can eat lots of delicious food like crackers, love letters, chocolates, sweets, desserts and get red packets from my beloved family members.
Image :
Mandarin oranges in the Chinese culture symbolize luck, good fortune and positive energy for the new year. The fruit is used as a symbol of the sun, that is supposed to represent the fresh start of a new year. The golden color of the mandarin orange represents the wealth and luck that is hoped for in the new year.
-Yeo Yu Zhen(23) 2E 

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