Sunday 19 January 2014

Poverty in Singapore

What exactly is “poverty” in Singapore?

In Singapore, it is highly unlikely that we will find beggars lining the streets or see starving children walking the pavements, scrounging for food. The poor and needy in our society struggle with “relative poverty”.

Due to various factors like health issues and family circumstances, they struggle to survive on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, they are caught in a vicious poverty cycle, with little or no means to make a better life for themselves. Their children are often not able to do better than their parents due to lack of access to knowledge and educational support. For example, the child would quit school to work and supplement the family’s income, simply trying to put food on the table.

Is it possible to break this cycle?

While the factors impacting the poor’s plight are complex and often involve systemic issues like housing and employment, and it may take many generations to overcome, some concrete things can be done. One way is to focus on our younger generation. Programmes like money-management workshops allow children to grasp the concept of money and how to use it wisely. Upgrading of work skills also allow adults to gain a more competitive edge in the job market, while better coping with economic challenges.

It is critical that the young remain in the education system, and that they receive the best support they can to gain the knowledge and skills for a better future. 

We need to care more for the needy and understand the circumstances they are facing. We should learn to cherish the stuffs we have and donate whatever useful items to the needy instead of throwing them away. I hope that the society will not discriminate them as we are all equals living in Singapore.

Some videos you may want to watch video evidence for poverty in singapore unknown side of singapore 

Here are some more pictures of poverty in Singapore 

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