Sunday 26 January 2014

What I learnt

During these few weeks of CID 2 lessons, I have leant a lot of things. We was told that we will be going overseas to either Taiwan or China. The whole class was excited about the trip, we were split into groups and started on our work. We were not grouped with those that we work well with, but were group randomly. This was to make sure that we will have the chance to work with other people that we were not close to.  We were expected to be critical thinkers and were required to create a blog and each week, we will need to post there. It was my first time writing a blog and I found it quite fun and interesting. I am also able to read things my friends post about and hence knowing them better.
    The second lesson is on 'A picture paints a thousand word'. We were shown a picture of a vulture waiting for a helpless girl to die. We were told to use nor word to describe it and our group chose 'patience'. We thought that the vulture was patient to wait for the girl to die.  We found out more about the photographer who took this picture and decided to change the word to 'inhumanity'. We were also shown two picture of beggar.  One of them show a man that look poor, and he was holding a board saying that he was homeless. Another was a woman carrying a baby asking for money around. I would choose to help the man as he look more helpless without good clothing. On the other hand, the woman was suspicious, she and the baby was both wearing good clothes and look clean. This make me wonder why she has enough money for clothes and home but was still begging around for money. But when I found out the background of the beggars. I felt sorry for the man as he grew up in an orphanage and he lost an arm. However, he still depend on himself and collect used good to resell them to earn money. Unfortunately, his things were stolen and was unable to work. I would not help the woman as I do not want to donate money to the syndicate. This make me feel that I chose to donate to the man was a right decision. From this exercise, I learnt to not to judge a book by its cover. Teacher also showed us a video on poverty in singapore and I felt that the construction worker in the video is very sad and I appreciate and respect them as without them, we would not have houses to live in.
           On the third lesson we learnt how to make blog post interesting and meaningful. We was told to use four words to describe RVHS. I chose stress, fun, boring and CMD. RVHS is fun as I can see people laughing and chatting happily around the school, during their free time. I chose stress and boring as we have test almost every week and lessons was boring at times. I chose CMD as one of the four words as I think CMD is closely related to our school life in RVHS. Most of us would have at least one CMD record throughout the years in RVHS. We were told to take pictures that represent fear, happiness, school spirit and school life around the school. Just in these few weeks, I learnt a lot and I hope to learn more during the OELP trip. 


colour that describe my feelings towards Chinese New Year 

I chose yellow as it is a colour of luck and is the colour of gold. 💲💲💲

The symbol I chose is
I chose a bored face as Chinese New Year was the same year after year and I don't celebrate it as most of my relatives are in China. 

The image I chose for Chinese New Year is 
It is because the Chinese New Year spirit is very strong in Chinatown.

~Winnie Chang (3) 2E

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